Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My New Address

I've landed in Seattle. Although I am still sleeping on an air mattress on the floor, I am in my new studio apartment. This is the view from my apartment. Actually this is the view from the hallway window, but this WILL be my view when the leaves fall off the cherry tree outside my window. Right now there are cherries on it. My new address is 1305 East Denny Way, #307, Seattle, WA 98122. Letters and post cards are much appreciatto.

This is the Glen Ellen, the name of the building I live in. My bike ride from the Glen Ellen to school each day is phenomenol.My new apartment is in an area on Capitol Hill. Capitol Hill is, of course, a hill. A pretty long steep hill at that and I live on the top, which is fun when you have a bike, which I do. Actually, it's really fun when you go down the hill which I do each day to go to school.

Here I go on my way to school.

Here I am at the top of Capitol Hill.

On top of Capitol Hill is Volunteer Park. This is a really beautiful park. As I enter the park, I pass by the water tower.

You can climb to the top of the water tower and see some amazing views when you come to visit.

This reservoir in Voluteer Park overlooks the Space Needle.

This building houses some really cool plants and trees from around the world.

Once I leave Voluteer Park, I ride downhill very fast on a roller coaster ride through another park. This road is so curvy and steep. It is a blast! This is called Interlaken Park.

At the bottom of the hill I ride past houses that look like this. Big beautiful Tudor's and great gardens. Then I cross over a canal and I'm on the UW Campus.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Randy!

Before I left Maine to come to Seattle, Randy (Don's son), Don and I celebrated Randy's birthday. I am here in Seattle and Randy is turning ten today in Maine. One of the hardest parts of the decision to come to Seattle for grad school was that I was going to miss Randy and his birthdays. Randy is one wonderful human being.

The day before I left we had one smakerel of an awesome good time. We did whatever he wanted to do. We bought cake and toys and ice cream and played. It was when the costumes came out that the real fun began. If I've had any influence on this boy that I love so much, it's that he really knows how fun it is to pretend to be someone else and be goofy. Personally, I think he is a natural. Happy Birthday Randy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


My oldest best friend Darren came to spend my first hours on the west coast with me. On the first day, we saw seven, count ‘em 7 apartments. The one I hope I get is a magical connection. It’s a building called the Glen Ellen and it’s on Capitol Hill near a some sweet parks, buslines to the university and restaurants. It’s a great area! Cross your fingers for me cause that’s where I want to live.

Darren and I have walked all over Seattle for three days. I am feeling a bit sunburned actually. The sun has been out everyday since I arrived. Today we visited a Japanese garden, got lost, and had to struggle our way out of the arboretum. It was an adventure! but we laughed so much. We must have walked at least 15 miles in three days!

We were surprised most by the variety of growing things here. So many plants we had never seen before growing wild on the streets of Seattle. Asparagus the size of trees! Everything is in bloom right now and different smells overwhelmed us as we were walking around. What a paradise!

Thanks Darren for coming out! What an amazing, wonderful friend! We had a great, great time. Something I will always remember.

Friday, June 08, 2007


Humans trying to fly! It's great fun to watch.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

So Long!

So long everybody! The past couple of weeks have been incredible. I feel like so much love has been coming my way and I'm so thankful. It's hard to leave so much warmth and friendship to tackle an adventure so far from home.
My students at New Dance Studio did a great job performing last weekend and I will miss each of the wonderful friends and students as I go off to be a student myself for awhile.
I'll try to keep my blog updated with new of my time in Seattle. My email and phone will remain the same so call or write. I'd love to hear from you.

Well, I guess I need to finish packing. Thanks to all who have been so kind and generous with your support of my adventure. I'll be back in late summer. Look for a Salon Louis early September! Til then be well and have a great summer.
Cheers! and Love, love, love,