Monday, February 26, 2007

March Performances

I'm a little late getting these shows posted, but I've got two shows happening this week. Two at the same time!

When Turtles Make Love is a collaboration I've enjoyed with Add Verb Productions and Planned Parenthood. It has three parts: a dance, a play and a discussion. This innovative theatrical experience was created to inspire parent-teen communication around teen sexuality. If you've got a teenager around the house or know someone who does, then this show could help you help your kids.

The gala performance is Thursday (this Thursday!) March 1 at 7 p.m. at the Museum of Art in Portland. Two other performances are happening on the USM campus at The Abromson Community Education Center, March 3 at 7 p.m. and March 4 at 2 p.m. Call 1.800.854.9762 for tickets.
My choreography will be there but I won't be onstage for this one. Go here for more info.

I'll be onstage in Lewiston at the second annual FAB Winter Dance Showcase. The show has 10 Maine professional choreographers and over thirty dancers! I'll be performing my latest solo The Secret of Life with music by Glen Velez and James Taylor.

There will be modern, jazz, ballet, spiritual, ballroom and storytelling dances. Something for everyone.

The show is at 2 p.m. at the Franco American Heritage Center in Lewiston. Tickets are $10 and $12 dollars. Call to reserve tickets at 689-2000. Go to the Franco_American_Heritage_Center
website for directions and more info.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Girl Like Me

I thought this video was excellent!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Red Light Rooster

Here's a short clip from my interactive family show called Red Light Rooster!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Beginners Guide to Enlightenment

For years, I have been creating something called "The Beginners Guide to Enlightenment." I'm not really sure what it is exactly, but mainly it's what my work as an artist is all about. It exists in many forms. Sometimes I think its a show. Sometimes I think its a course. Sometimes its a book, but it's always about the synthesis of my creative life and my self designed spiritual education.

I've decided to begin a new blog called "The Beginner's Guide to Enlightenment." Now, it's a blog! I will post each chapter as I create them. Each chapter will be a combination of dance video and text and will try to summarize a spiritual concept. For me, it's a really great way to revisit all these creations and learnings again in a new way. Maybe you could learning something from it as well...

I will post an update here on this blog Louis Gervais in performance each time I complete a new chapter. If you'd like to check it out yourself, go here. I'd love to hear your comments if you have some.