March Performances
I'm a little late getting these shows posted, but I've got two shows happening this week. Two at the same time!
When Turtles Make Love is a collaboration I've enjoyed with Add Verb Productions and Planned Parenthood. It has three parts: a dance, a play and a discussion. This innovative theatrical experience was created to inspire parent-teen communication around teen sexuality. If you've got a teenager around the house or know someone who does, then this show could help you help your kids.
The gala performance is Thursday (this Thursday!) March 1 at 7 p.m. at the Museum of Art in Portland. Two other performances are happening on the USM campus at The Abromson Community Education Center, March 3 at 7 p.m. and March 4 at 2 p.m. Call 1.800.854.9762 for tickets.
There will be modern, jazz, ballet, spiritual, ballroom and storytelling dances. Something for everyone.
The show is at 2 p.m. at the Franco American Heritage Center in Lewiston. Tickets are $10 and $12 dollars. Call to reserve tickets at 689-2000. Go to the Franco_American_Heritage_Center
website for directions and more info.
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