Saturday, October 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Johnny!

Here's John Cronin! Or Johnny Angel as he is called because he truly is an angel. It's Johnny's birthday today so go ahead...jump on him. Johnny is just simply one of the most wonderful people you can meet in a lifetime. He's wonderfully friendly and fun. He's a warm open-hearted man. It's probably impossible not to love him.

For those of you that know Johnny, send him a happy birthday email at . Even if you don't know him, send him one anyway!

Johnny likes cake!
Love you Johnny! Happy Birthday!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Chamber Dance Company

Here's some photos of the Chamber Dance Company performance that happened this weekend. We worked hard and had a wonderful time together. This is wonderful group of lovely people and we had some fun and put on a great show!
This is the lovely Leah, my dancing partner. It was her birthday. We celebrated her well!

Leah and Cindy...Sweethearts!
Me and my love Jaime. I pronounce her name Yummy. I was supposed to look hot with the headset on. I'm not sure how successful that was.

Our back stage crew...totally on the job. Sarah Rose ladies and gentlemen.

Isn't she lovely! Then she dons her blacks and turns into the sweat monster and attacks pooling sweat on the stage. Don't ask!
The irrespressible Tomas!

Catherine Cabbeen in Tango, choreographed by Michio Ito. There are good dancers and then there is Catherine. She is that rare performer who has everything. Beauty, strength, grace, and artistry.

Kory helping out Christine, our intrepid costume designer, with the laundry.

Here I am in my Warrior costume. I am super powerful. Look out! I might...clap my hands real loud.

Here are the men of Five Dance Poems, choreographed by Michio Ito. David Lorence, Me, Kent Lindemer and John Dixon.

The gel change girls!

And finally, the women of Skylight, choreographed by Laura Dean. Divas one and all.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Right Brain vs. Left Brain

Check out this test! It's really

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Bunnies are here!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

A Moment of Randy

I've been working on school work and going from the grad office to the library to home. I have a memory stick that I haven't used in awhile and when I first attached it to a computer, I found these pics of Randy. I love them so much I left them on there and carry them around with me. So, in the middle of writing some academic paper about education history, I'll pull up one of these pics and it makes me smile.

Randy is clearly in touch with both his masculine and feminine sides. He is the best kid. Miss you bud!